Saturday, April 6, 2013


i go in for cortisone shots in both hips on tuesday...i don't know whether i should be excited or dismayed.

i'm actually both.

after visiting with the orthopedic, i lost my footing on optimism.

he had absolutely no answers, just a quip of "i don't know what is going on", and that he wouldn't want to touch my other hip because of how much pain i am still in with my operated hip.

needless to say the search for another ortho is on.

isn't it their job to figure out what is going on? isn't it their job to work with me, and my present condition, and work on solutions. don't get me wrong, i am glad that he didn't throw his hands up and not offer the cortisone injections. there is hope that the injections will give my hips enough of a pain rest that they will miraculously be pain free.

does cortisone heal a torn labrum? don't comment i already know the answer!

i can atleast dream, right???

that is the worry about hip #2, "good" hip. #2 isn't feeling so hot. #2 is making the pain i have been feeling in #1 start to look like pansy pain. if #2 keeps it up i don't know what i am going to do.

well, cortisone, here i come!

check out a video of a cortisone shot injection, enjoy :)