remember when...
i am so relieved that i can do...
i just hiked mt...
it doesn't help that a sheet of dispair has been hanging heavy lately.
the great thing about writing into the abyss of this blog, is that i write it and it doesn't take hold anymore. i still fight it, but the thoughts loose their control.
after a "failed" cortisone injection, leaving me in immense pain, and an orthopedic who told me there wasn't anything he could do for me; i am hoping i am on the brink of answers.
for anyone who has not had an mri-arthrogram, be thankful.
this procedure entails large needles making contact with your joint to then inject a mineral composite that contrasts under an mri.
it is always an unpleasant experience and i feel like it gets more painful as time progresses.
i pray that some comfort and peace covers me tonight...that answers come out of these images.
enjoy this video example of what the mra procedure is like...okay so it is thorough so fast forward to about half way for the hip arthrogram.