Friday, October 19, 2012

groin pain

Another hippy posted an interesting article on the Understanding FAI Hip Impingement Facebook group. The article pertains to (the looming) groin pain after surgery.
Recently, intraarticular adhesions between the femoral neck and joint capsule have been identified as an additional cause of postoperative groin pain. The adhesions form between the joint capsule and the resected area on the femoral neck and may lead to soft tissue impingement. MR-arthrography is used for diagnosis and the adhesions can be treated successfully by arthroscopy. While arthroscopic resection improves outcome it is technically demanding. Avoiding the formation of adhesions is important and is perhaps best accomplished by passive motion exercises after the initial surgery.
Groin Pain after Open FAI Surgery: The Role of Intraarticular Adhesions
Martin Beck, MD
excerpt from Abstract

I am an information junky and love this stuff; so, I hope this article is interested to you if nothing else.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


tomorrow is leg one of my 6+ hour road trip. i am a tad nervous about the pain level with being in a sedentary position for that long.

i guess we will find out how my old lady hips do...

i do have to say that i am just excited to get away...feel the wing in my hair...let go of things for a few days.

road trip!

Photo by karincameron