Saturday, December 29, 2012

two years is almost here...

i can't believe i am almost at two years post-op.

this has been one of the most exhausting and draining processes. i am still in a better place than i was before, and need to remind myself of that...often.

looking back at the progress that has been made, it is astounding.

my one, major wish was that i could walk. i can't believe that was where i was at. i wanted to be able to walk!?! i can do that!

all these other pains and side-effects are minute in the big picture of all of this.

i don't think my hips will ever be perfect, but my one wish for this year is to get my physio in the right place. i want my muscles to be balanced, to stand without pain, and to be able to hike a mountain without regretting it.

i still appreciate the "how are are you doing"s, as this is my life. everyone may be sick of this sob story, but it isn't going anywhere.

i have been dealt my fair, or not so fair, share of uncontrollable puzzle pieces; but somehow they have all come together to create the me that i am today. my stories may be somber, but i see the beauty in the lulls. i see the beauty in the struggles, as there is always something beautiful that is birthed from them.

as my second year comes to a close, i am grateful. my abilities are more limited than others, but my abilities also surpass. i am counting my blessings, however big or small.

i did hike thanksgiving day!
one month later and my body is still revolting
one of these days :)