Friday, March 25, 2011

first day back...

my first day back to work and i am exhausted. you would have thought i had been building a house in the hot sun all day!

an hour in and i was sure i wasn't going to make it. the quick moving back and forth behind the counter, crouching to grab things out of cabinets, lifting coffee shuttles, all of it! i didn't think that the sharp pains would subside, but they did. the ache didn't and it still hasn't but i think ache has setup camp in my body and is going to stay for a while.

one thing i have realized is that the lack of muscle in the hip region is causing so much strain on the hip joint that i have got to get some muscle back to allow my body to heal. i heard isometric exercises are great for a joint injury and i might have to read up on some hip isometrics...clearly there are more technical terms to target specific areas, but my body is so weak that it could take days describing what needs strengthening. just picture a thigh and an indentation as to where a quad muscle once resided. that sums up the rest of the area too.

what a different place i am in though.

six months ago i couldn't dream of the things i am capable of now and just over three months ago i didn't think my body could physically get through another day of work.

my how i have changed and am in such a better place, despite the obstacles. i am in recovery, on the road to better.

i woke up this morning sore from head to toe. the workout that is my work is as tiring as, again, building a house in the hot sun, for a weakling like me! i'm about to start again today and wondering how these aching limbs are going to coordinate any movement. God give me the strength and even more patience today!


  1. What a great blog, Kellie!!! Hope your journey of healing continues in great ways.

  2. thank you kristin. i am hoping the same!
